Exhibit, Sponsor, and Advertising Opportunities
You’re invited to experience the energy of connecting with your fellow gifted education advocates at giftED25, December 3-5, in Grapevine, just a few minutes from DFW airport! TAGT is excited to gather together to create vital connections, join important conversations, and explore effective gifted education strategies.
As the largest state association of its kind, with nearly 2,000 members, TAGT has developed a rich community of educators and parents seeking to positively impact the lives of gifted individuals. The giftED25 Exhibitor and Partnership Program offers high-value, exposure opportunities for your company to develop meaningful relationships, drive sales and build brand awareness. With a variety of opportunities and price points, giftED25 is designed to meet your specific outreach and sales objectives.

“The opportunities afforded to my organization by being a TAGT Sponsor have been invaluable. The TAGT organization works hard to offer its sponsors networking, conference exposure, and statewide visibility exclusive to sponsors and have really helped our efforts in Texas.”
“The conferences and events that TAGT conduct each year are extremely well organized and attended. They each provide excellent opportunities for its sponsors to have enhanced access to decision-making attendees from all across Texas.”

TAGT Marketplace Hours
Tuesday, December 2, 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: Exhibitor Move-In
Wednesday, December 3, 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: TAGT Marketplace Open
Thursday, December 4, 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: TAGT Marketplace Open
Friday, December 5, 7:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.: TAGT Marketplace Open
Friday, December 5, 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.: Exhibitor Move-Out

Connect directly with attendees as they experience giftED25 at the TAGT Marketplace! All giftED25 exhibitors will be featured throughout the event in two ways. First, exhibitors can purchase up to 2 tables in our TAGT Marketplace, allowing for in-person interaction and engagement with attendees December 3-5 at the Gaylord Texan in Grapvine. Exhibitor tabletops will be set up in the event common space/foyer areas outside the general session room for maximum engagement with attendees. Exhibitors receive one table, two chairs, and two exhibitor badges. Maximum two tables per exhibitor. Please note that this conference will be limited to 55 tables, so exhibitors are encouraged to book early.
Each exhibitor will also receive a detailed exhibitor listing on the conference app, accessible to attendees pre- and post-conference. Virtual listings include your company name, description, contact information, and logo. Listing may be upgraded to add a company video.
TAGT Marketplace Table & Online Exhibitor Listing
Exhibit Table: $950
Additional Table (1 max): $950
Scavenger Hunt Add-on: $199 – Your company will be added to a scavenger hunt that will bring attendees to your table.
Additional Exhibitor Badges (for exhibit/company personnel use only): $199

Contact Kristin Graham at kgraham@txgifted.org to discuss sponsorship opportunities, preview some of the available options below:
Conference Program Notebook (SOLD)
Get in the hands of every giftED attendee. This opportunity highlights your company logo front and center on the cover of the conference program notebook.
MasterMind Session (General Session) Sponsor
Includes opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker and address the audience with 1-2 minutes on your company. Logo and link included on communications about the session.
Coordinator Strand Sponsor, STEM Strand Sponsor, or Elementary Strand Sponsor
Includes opportunity to introduce sessions within a particular education strand and provide up to 1 guaranteed noncommercial breakout sessions within that strand. Logo included on strand signage and company may place promotional items on tables in that room. Company may also use the room to host social events during break times/after sessions have concluded, but is responsible for inviting customers to these events.
Lanyard Sponsor
Take advantage of the highest visibility branding opportunity and sponsor the conference lanyard! Company must also provide lanyards, TAGT can assist with ordering if needed.
As an attendee favorite session, they asked and we answered, this session will now be featured as a conference special event. Address the audience with 1-2 minutes on your company and receive your company logo and link on communications about the events.
Trivia Night
Attendees love trivia night! This audience-favorite special event kicks off the conference Tuesday night. Address the audience with 1-2 minutes on your company and receive your company logo on communications about the event.
giftED Focus Group
Includes opportunity to meet directly with a core group of TAGT members for 30 minutes (5 minimum attendees included).
Featured Session
Includes opportunity to introduce the speaker and address the audience with 1-2 minutes on your company.
Newbee Info Session Sponsor
Includes opportunity to welcome the audience of session attendees with 1-2 minutes on your company. Logo added to session promotional materials.
Contact kgraham@txgifted.org to create your sponsorship package today!

Promote your organization, tout new products, and drive traffic to your website or table through these high-impression opportunities. Whether before or during the event, be sure to integrate these elements into your promotion mix as it can be key to reaching your goals!
Pre/Post Show Slides
Design a slide that will run in the loop of pre and post show general session slides. Slides must be submitted by November 10th.
Banner Ad in Day-Of Attendee Emails
Banner ad with link to your organization included in one of three daily event emails. Additional runs may be purchased at a discount.
Conference Program: Full page ad
Conference Program: Half-page ad
For More Information Contact:
Kristin Graham