Administrator’s Workshop: Beating “One More Thing” Syndrome and Igniting Excellence Through Tier 1 Instruction
Thursday, December 5 | 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Marriott Rivercenter 101 Bowie St. San Antonio, TX 78025
This workshop is presented free for those in a non-G/T specific campus or district leadership position (i.e. Principal, Assistant Principal, Chief Academic Officer, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, etc.). Registration will include the workshop and a day-pass for Thursday, December 5 to giftED24 at the Marriott Rivercenter. Those in G/T specific roles are not eligible for registration for this workshop.
Why don’t all educators teach grade-level content to struggling learners? And why is it that even with massive investments in high-quality instructional materials, some educators who do teach grade-level content struggle to teach Tier 1 instruction at the necessary level of rigor? “These kids can’t” mindsets are hard because gaps in will are often paired with gaps in skill. This session will provide you with powerful, but practical tools to give your teachers an “all kids can” skillset. Learn how to integrate engaging, culturally-responsive critical thinking into your existing curriculum and how you can similarly enhance the efficacy of student learning in your schools without it feeling like one more thing. High-quality instructional materials are not enough. Teachers need high-quality instructional MOVES and school systems need to create a MOVEMENT around this work. Join us to start your Tier I transformational movement.
Learn More About the Speaker
Colin Seale was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, where struggles in his upbringing gave birth to his passion for educational equity. Tracked early into gifted and talented programs, Colin was afforded opportunities his neighborhood peers were not. Using lessons from his experience as a math teacher, later as an attorney, and now as a keynote speaker, contributor to Forbes, The 74, Edutopia and Education Post and author of Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students (Prufrock Press, 2020) and Tangible Equity: A Guide for Leveraging Student Identity, Culture, and Power to Unlock Excellence In and Beyond the Classroom (Routledge, 2022), Colin founded thinkLaw, a multi-award-winning organization to help educators leverage inquiry-based instructional strategies to close the critical thinking gap and ensure they teach and reach all students, regardless of race, zip code or what side of the poverty line they are born into.